Innocence and New Beginnings - The Fools Journey, Ready and Willing to Experience all that Life has to Offer.
Delving more deeply into learning to read the Tarot.
The Tarot deck is divided into two groups, the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana each carrying a symbolic language, that reflects the energies, experiences, and emotions that shape our lives.
Tarot is storytelling, The “Fool's Journey,“ is a great way to learn more about the 22 Major Arcana cards as they represent a stage on the journey, how the journey begins with the childlike innocence of someone just coming into the world and ends with wholeness and contentment of a person who has well learned life's lessons.
Delighted to update that I am learning Spinal Flow Technique®.
I am delighted to update that I am learning Spinal Flow Technique®.
To become a Spinal Flow® Practitioner takes time and commitment to qualify and I hope by Spring of the new year that Reiki Divine will be able to offer this new Modality.
The Spinal Flow Technique has effectively healed people with a wide range of conditions including Chronic pain, Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue, Digestive issues, Reproductive issues, Anxiety, Depression, “Mystery” illnesses and many more. I’m very excited to add this to the energy healing modalities Reiki Divine provides, its many of my clients that have inspired me to be able to offer more support, and I stay true to continually learning and with this treatment I can:
· Release spinal blockages caused by stress
· Awaken Your Spinal Flow
· Restore the body’s ability to heal
White Room Concentration Exercise
You will need some concentrated effort to change your inner dialogue and the habits of busy thinking.
You can master concentration.
How to concentrate… being side tracked is a part of life and we interrupt ourselves almost half of the time typically 44%. It is easier to concentrate when you are engrossed in the activity, or you enjoy the person you are talking to.
Turn off the Tech, advise family and friends in your home you don’t want to be disturbed for one hour, set your phone to do not disturb mode…
realise you are in control of what comes your way.
You can reduce many of the concentrating robbing events and stimulus that take you from tasks – finding some me time is a good practice for bringing peace of mind.
Now to Tune Out.
The Light Vehicle, Merkabah Meditation
The Light Vehicle, Merkabah Meditation
Sacred Geometric forms known as the Merkabah the star tetrahedron, which is 2 interlinked pyramid shapes, is considered the vehicle of light, creating a sacred energy matrix to expand your consciousness and balance.
If spiritual balance and stability is what you are looking for then this meditation is a great vehicle. Even though technically both pyramid points are spinning in different directions this is the creation of a powerful energy field.
Embody this sacred geometrical form Merkaba to recharge your energy field.
Introducing the Reiki Divine Therapy Herbal Apothecary
Handmade Himalayan Herbal Bath Salt Blends:
What better way to introduce herbal remedies… soak it up – whether standing in shallow shower water or soaking in the bathtub these Himalayan Herbal Bath Salt Blends are unique and hand made in small, personalised batches.
A single pathway that can take many turns, spiritual renewal with a Labyrinth Meditation
A single pathway that can take many turns, spiritual renewal with a Labyrinth Meditation
Labyrinths an ancient archetype dating back 4,000 years or more, used symbolically as a walking meditation, and for personal, psychological, and spiritual transformation.
The term maze and labyrinth are often used interchangeably, it is often considered that to qualify as a maze, a design must have choices in the pathway including a variety of dead ends. So, the essential difference being a labyrinth has a direct single route.
Discover your Ruling Planet to Understand More About your Soul Mission and Journey.
Discover your Ruling Planet to Understand More About your Soul Mission and Journey.
In astrology, ruling planets are celestial bodies that are associated with each zodiac sign. A person's ruling planet can influence their personality, values, and life path. Discover more about how the heavenly bodies are pulling the strings and what that means for your soul mission and journey.
Perfectionist at heart, not afraid to improve skills through practice.
Perfectionist at heart, not afraid to improve skills through practice.
Ruled by Mercury, bringing pure kindness, positive energy, and problem-solving, discover the Earthly Energy of Virgo. The maiden of the Zodiac, Virgo is the sixth sign, for those born between August 23rd and September 22nd. Virgos are often seeking clarity, understanding, knowledge, and perfection, they align with The Hermit in the Tarot Deck.
“Virgos have a highly tuned sense of style, quality and taste. They're like the zodiac's 'Quality Control Officers', maintaining high standards” Cosmopolitan
Significance of 12…
During Reiki you predominantly work with the 7 main chakras, the 7 Chakra System most close to our physical body. Each chakra supports the balance, health, and wellness of the whole: mind, body, and spirit.
However, there are many chakras in the aura, here’s a little bit more on the further 5 chakras that make up the 12 Chakra System.
Lion's Gate Portal Manifestations
Lion's Gate Portal Manifestations
What if I tell you that this is not just another inspirational quote but a fact… as per Astrology?
Yes, you heard right. An event when the universe is full of positive energy and lined up to hear your aspirations. Occurring every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 (8/8).
Taking place when the sun is in Leo, Orion's Belt the Earth, and the star Sirius are lined up, activated by the rising of the star Sirius. It is one of the most awaited cosmic events where the abundance of positive energy helps people set their goals and manifest aspirations, and it is believed that all that will be realised.
Discover your Angel Number?
Discover your Angel Number?
Are you seeing repeating numbers and are wondering what it means?
Repeating numbers are referred to as angel numbers and they can be spotted anywhere you go. It’s a sign from the divine that you are on the right track and affirming that you’re close to a new beginning.
Angel numbers are derived from numerology which is a system in which numbers and letters have a symbolic or mystical meaning.
Let Leos Inner Fire Blaze Brightly
Ruled by the Sun, Firey and with Great Confidence, Discover the Energy of Leo. The Fiery Lion of the Zodiac, Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, for those born between July 23 and August 22.
With a Leo who love to lead, perform, talk, and be admired, receive praise and respect of others. Naturally regal, assuming a take charge stance in any dynamic, with confidence, passion and control. Have patience with a Leo, the soul under their armour is worth fighting for, and despite the confidence they exude, they still seek validation and love compliments – yeah a bit dramatic… and a ready to snap firecracker.
The regal lion has a gregarious and jovial personality that others are often drawn to. Leo is a Fire sign that shines as the centre of attention wherever it goes.
Distance Reiki Really Does Work
‘I send this healing with unconditional love to heal the whole person’. Setting intent for Distance Healing and applying the Distant Healing Symbol – Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen means I take the distance between us away. Or the Buddha in me reach out to the Buddha in you for enlightenment and peace. Creating a divine connection, no matter the distance.
Complex, Charismatic Cancers and a little bit Crabby.
Complex, Charismatic Cancers and a little bit Crabby.
Ruled by the moon, an elemental water sign, if you were born between June 21 and July 22, your zodiac sign is Cancer. Cancer, Latin for the "Crab" and is the fourth astrological sign in the zodiac.
Cancer a water sign with a superpower, extremely passionate, charismatic, creative and loyal. With a flair for the dramatic. There isn’t another sign that holds onto the past quite like the Crab. Being sentimental, they typically remember and hold onto everything—positive or negative, not one to let things go.
Gemini Duality - Two Complimentary Halves of the Whole.
Gemini Duality - Two Complimentary Halves of the Whole.
Born between May 21 and June 21, you belong to the first air element of the zodiac, ruled by planet mercury. The celestial twins of the zodiac, famous for fun-loving nature, flexibility, and sometimes ... flightiness. So, lets look at some of the associated crystals to support their dualistic nature: Pearl, Citrine, Labradorite, Clear Quartz and Tigers Eye.
Summer Solstice Blessing
Solstice is a marriage of the Latin words for “sun” and “to stand still. Summer Solstice Blessing
It’s the midsummers evening, the shortest of the night,
Where our planet is blessed with the greatest of light.
The Sun at its power, sharing its wealth,
With the earth glowing in abundances and health.
The trees’ leaves are green, the birds are in song.
The days are as warm as they are long.
We honour the animals, the plants and living things,
The Sun and the water and for the life that it brings.
May you find well-being, and may you find peace,
In days after solstice, as the light does decrease.
May the blessings of the Solstice be yours I pray,
And the light warms your Heart and Soul every day.
The Official Symbol of Gratitude
The Power of using a symbol, how they evoke memories, emotions, ideas, and meaning. Gratitude is the most powerful emotion
Internationally recognised across a range of unique cultures, using characters rather than words, makes them universally understood.
Gratitude helps us to focus on the positive aspects of our lives, appreciate people around us, and find joy in everyday moments. The joy we often overlook, when we are trying to express gratitude yet feel overwhelmed by the stresses and challenges of daily life. That’s why symbols of gratitude can be so powerful – they offer a tangible way to express our appreciation and remind us of the good things in our lives.
Ruled by Venus, Earthly and with Great Stamina, Discover the Energy of Taurus.
Taureans are grounded in earth energy and prefer green as a colour, which is why Emerald, Jade, Aventurine and Malachite are often favoured crystals and power stones to match Taurus energy. But also, Rhodonite, Lapis and Selenite feature in great crystals for people born under the sign of Taurus.
Fiery, passionate energy of Aries
Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac and a fire sign, for those born between March 21 and April 19 ruled by Mars. Typically, Fire signs having fiery and passionate energy, Aries is one of the three fire signs in the Zodiac, along with Leo and Sagittarius. Associated with energy, enthusiasm, and passion, which are all characteristics frequently seen in Aries individuals.
So, lets look at some of the associated crystals to support their dynamic nature: Green Aventurine or Aquamarine can help Aries take their bold strides in life. Red Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine and Unakite. Pick up your crystals at Reiki Divine Therapy
Chakra Crystals a Guide to Healing
Chakra Crystals a Guide to Healing
Chakras are not physical objects, like our organs. They cannot be seen but they are an integral part of our vital force, and they keep our whole mind and body working together harmoniously. The chakras are seven major centres within each level of the aura, they are constantly moving, absorbing currents of energy.
Connecting crystals to your chakras is an ideal way to bring about balance and restoration, here I talk about the chakras and associated crystals.
Start your journey
Treat your whole body, emotions mind and spirit.