Significance of 12…
During Reiki you predominantly work with the 7 main chakras, the 7 Chakra System most close to our physical body. Each chakra supports the balance, health, and wellness of the whole: mind, body, and spirit.
The seven major chakras have Sanskrit and English names: Muladhara or the Root Chakra. Svadhisthana or the Sacral Chakra. Manipura or the Solar Plexus. Anachata or the Heart Chakra. Vishuddha or the Throat Chakra. Ajna or the Brow Chakra sometimes classed as the Third Eye Chakra. Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra.
A chakra is the energy points in the body the intention is to keep the chakra circling in movement to promote physical and emotional wellbeing. The word Chakra means wheel and the eternal cycle of time called the kalacakra.
However, there are many chakras in the aura, here’s a little bit more on the further 5 chakras that make up the 12 Chakra System.
You may come across 144 chakras or even more than that. But there is a recurring pattern of the number 12 in the universe:
12 months in a year,
12 hours on the clock,
12 signs of the zodiac,
12 stations of the Moon and of the Sun,
The ancients recognized 12 main northern stars and 12 main southern stars,
12 parallel universes,
12 levels of consciousness,
the number 12 signifies completion,
12 disciples the most spiritually evolved Jesus had 12 apostles,
12 angels,
Angel number 12 represents balance, harmony, and completion in your life,
Seeing angel number 12 means you are on the right path and being supported by your angels,
12 in Greek mythology was linked to the cosmic order.
The idea of there being 144 would also make sense for this context as 12 x 12 equals 144.
Soul Star Chakra, the eighth Chakra located about 15 cm above the head. Acting as the gateway to body and our soul, of divine love and spiritual wisdom, the chakra that connects us to the Universe. Where our soul resides and where you can find your lives purpose for this life, as the Soul Star connects with knowledge from the Akashic Records and our past lives. Being in alignment with your soul star chakra allows you to live authentically, trust and develop your intuition and lead your life in the physical world as an expression of your purpose with clarity on why we chose this incarnation. We connect to our higher self to access our soul star so that we receive clear guidance, the chakra must be balanced and clear and we must have and express a clear intention. Selenite and quartz are great for clearing energy around the Soul Star, but also use for tapping into Shaman and Akashic.
Solar Star Chakra, or Spirit Star, the ninth Chakra, located above the Soul Star is your soul’s connection to the expansive spiritual realm, spirit world, guides, angels any type of light body that is there to support you. Where you are aligned, you are most likely to tap into the full extent of your soul’s gifts and mediumship abilities. When working with the solar star you are accessing higher realms work on balancing the Solar Star and ensure you are well grounded for the best manifestations to work.
Earth Star Chakra, the tenth Chakra located between your feet and the Earth, being your direct Mother Earth connection and your ancestral roots, allows you to slow down the pace and connect to nature to avoid burnout from a fast-paced lifestyle. It is what keeps us grounded and connected to our physical body and life - alignment with this chakra is vital to feeling well. Clearing out toxins for healing, is the best new beginning, tapping into the earth for ridding of negative energies and Reiki sessions for grounding. The earth star chakra works with your connection to people in general, global events, human values, and humanity. When our Earth Star chakra is in balance, we feel a deep sense of self love and contentment, connected in harmony, with nature, the trees, animals, plants. On an even higher level, it connects and grounds you in your sense of being and purpose for living
Galactic Chakra, an eleventh Chakra is an energetic field around you, can also be called the Galactic Gateway. Travel beyond space and time into the galactic dimensions, connected to out of body experiences, Astral travel, Astral projection and bi-location, whether in conscious awakening or within our dreams. This energy centre encompasses total cosmic wisdom.
Recently I had a Reiki based healing session to discover more about my Galactic Chakra. Often finding that by fellow healers I’m greeted by ‘You are an Ancient Soul’ its complimentary in our field, but often makes me feel like I’m very old. It was revealed a past of Mintaken, being an original light worker or star seed where the mission of a Mintaka Starseed is incarnated on Earth to bring new knowledge, contribute to a spiritual awakening, and help raise the consciousness of humanity. To act as catalysts for positive change, inspiring others to embrace their own divinity and connect with the cosmic fabric of existence. A good validation I’m on the right path healing others.
Divine Gateway chakra number 12, described as love and light an energy field around the body and all the other chakras. Source connection to the centre of the heart and universal consciousness. Archangel Metatron works with this Chakra, connecting to Sacred Geometric symbols and shapes especially Merkaba, a direct link to the Highest Frequency connecting to our Divine Purpose. He supports you with shedding a layer and helping you to emerge into the truth of who you are. Here, we experience a merging of our masculine and feminine energies, allowing us to tap into the best qualities of both. When activated, you completely align your light being with your physical being, resulting in perfect harmony with the universe.
So, I think I mentioned, that a Reiki Divine Experience does centrally work on the 7 main chakras across the physical body, but does also include attention to the wider 12, so that you can have a complete aura and chakra work out. And like my mantra says, ‘a Reiki session that’s as unique as you are’.
If you are looking to unlock and release your potential to bring about ‘major positive improvements’, with balanced and focused ways, realign your energy with a Reiki session that’s as unique as you are. Reiki Divine Experience Book Now.
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