Runes Stone Set

from £18.00

Runes Stone Set
Runes in Amethyst and Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, Black Onyx, Labradorite, Red Jasper, Moss Agate and Tiger Eye.

Amethyst Runes are one of the mystical world’s true mysteries. Nobody can be truly sure exactly where they came from and when. There are many theories on the subject, but it is believed by some that they were first used any time from 2000BC to 100AD by tribes such as The Goths and other Germanic Tribes. Every Indian Rune Set include 25 stones: 24 with rune symbol and one without it.

Runes work, by casting them, I tend to pick one out of the pouch, typically you mentally ask a question or think about your issue you seek advice on. Then interpret the rune symbol, see below for results and use the symbol list to identify.

Great for spiritual guidance and meditation, opening the crown and third eye chakra. Amethyst known for being an all-purpose stone with protective qualities, to promote health, good sleep, reduces pain and headache, by relieving stress and anxiety. Amethyst has the ability to convert lower vibrations to higher frequencies, which then transforms negative energy to love energy.
Aventurine A dynamic crystal for attracting prosperity, diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership, promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. Soothes anxiety while stimulating mental clarity, creativity, and compassion.

Available at Reiki Divine Therapy Shop – collect at your appointment or order online today.

Rune Crystal:
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Runes Stone Set
Runes in Amethyst and Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, Black Onyx, Labradorite, Red Jasper, Moss Agate and Tiger Eye.

Amethyst Runes are one of the mystical world’s true mysteries. Nobody can be truly sure exactly where they came from and when. There are many theories on the subject, but it is believed by some that they were first used any time from 2000BC to 100AD by tribes such as The Goths and other Germanic Tribes. Every Indian Rune Set include 25 stones: 24 with rune symbol and one without it.

Runes work, by casting them, I tend to pick one out of the pouch, typically you mentally ask a question or think about your issue you seek advice on. Then interpret the rune symbol, see below for results and use the symbol list to identify.

Great for spiritual guidance and meditation, opening the crown and third eye chakra. Amethyst known for being an all-purpose stone with protective qualities, to promote health, good sleep, reduces pain and headache, by relieving stress and anxiety. Amethyst has the ability to convert lower vibrations to higher frequencies, which then transforms negative energy to love energy.
Aventurine A dynamic crystal for attracting prosperity, diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership, promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. Soothes anxiety while stimulating mental clarity, creativity, and compassion.

Available at Reiki Divine Therapy Shop – collect at your appointment or order online today.

Runes Stone Set
Runes in Amethyst and Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, Black Onyx, Labradorite, Red Jasper, Moss Agate and Tiger Eye.

Amethyst Runes are one of the mystical world’s true mysteries. Nobody can be truly sure exactly where they came from and when. There are many theories on the subject, but it is believed by some that they were first used any time from 2000BC to 100AD by tribes such as The Goths and other Germanic Tribes. Every Indian Rune Set include 25 stones: 24 with rune symbol and one without it.

Runes work, by casting them, I tend to pick one out of the pouch, typically you mentally ask a question or think about your issue you seek advice on. Then interpret the rune symbol, see below for results and use the symbol list to identify.

Great for spiritual guidance and meditation, opening the crown and third eye chakra. Amethyst known for being an all-purpose stone with protective qualities, to promote health, good sleep, reduces pain and headache, by relieving stress and anxiety. Amethyst has the ability to convert lower vibrations to higher frequencies, which then transforms negative energy to love energy.
Aventurine A dynamic crystal for attracting prosperity, diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership, promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. Soothes anxiety while stimulating mental clarity, creativity, and compassion.

Available at Reiki Divine Therapy Shop – collect at your appointment or order online today.

1) FEHU represents Livestock. It symbolizes Wealth, Abundance, Success, Security, Fertility.

 2) URUZ represents a Bull. It symbolizes Strength, Tenacity, Courage, Untamed Potential, Freedom.

 3) THURISAZ represents a Thorn. It symbolizes Reaction, Defence, Conflict, Catharsis, Regeneration.

 4) ANSUZ represents an Estuary. It symbolizes the Mouth, Communication, Understanding, Inspiration.

 5) RAIDHO represents a Wagon. It symbolizes Travel, Rhythm, Spontaneity, Evolution, Decisions.

 6) KENNAZ represents a Torch. It symbolizes Vision, Creativity, Inspiration, Improvement, Vitality.

 7) GEBO represents a Gift. It symbolizes Balance, Exchange, Partnership, Generosity, Relationships.

 8) WUNJO represents Joy. It symbolizes Pleasure, Comfort, Harmony, Prosperity, Reward, Success.

 9) HAGALAZ represents Hail. It symbolizes Nature, Wrath, Being Tested, Overcoming Obstacles.

 10) NAUTHIZ represents Need. It symbolizes Restriction, Conflict, Willpower, Endurance, Self-Reliance.            

 11) ISA represents Ice. It symbolizes Clarity, Stasis, Challenges, Introspection, Watching & Waiting.

 12) JERA represents the Year. It symbolizes Cycles, Completion, Changes, Harvest, Reaping Rewards.

 13) EIHWAZ, represents a Yew Tree. It symbolizes Balance, Enlightenment, Death, The World Tree.

 14) PERTHRO, represents a Dice Cup. It symbolizes Fate, Chance, Mystery, Destiny, Secrets.

 15) ALGIZ represents an Elk. It symbolizes Protection, Defence, Instinct, Group Effort, Guardianship.

 16) SOWILO represents the Sun. It symbolizes Health, Honor, Resources, Victory, Wholeness, Cleansing.

 17) TIWAZ represents the god Tyr. It symbolizes Masculinity, Justice, Leadership, Logic, Battle.

 18) BERKANA represents a Birch Tree. It symbolizes Femininity, Fertility, Healing, Regeneration, Birth.

 19) EHWAZ represents a Horse. It symbolizes Transportation, Movement, Progress, Trust, Change.

 20) MANNAZ, represents Humanity. It symbolizes Individuality, Friendship, Society, Cooperation, Help.

 21) LAGUZ, represents Water. It symbolizes Intuition, Emotions, Flow, Renewal, Dreams, Hopes & Fears.

 22) INGUZ, represents a Seed. It symbolizes Goals, Growth, Change, Common Sense, The Hearth (Home).

 23) OTHALA, represents Inheritance. It symbolizes Ancestry, Possessions, Heritage, Experience, Value.

 24) DAGAZ, represents Dawn. It symbolizes Awakening, Certainty, Illumination, Completion, Hope.

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