Chakra Crystal set


Chakra Crystal set, This set Includes carefully selected tumble stones of Snow Quartz, Amethyst, Sodalite, Aventurine, Yellow jasper, Red jasper and Hematite for each chakra.

This chakra collection is ideal when looking to work with the chakras so you can buy a set to work with. On occasion I will use crystals in the Reiki treatment sessions for that added boost.

Available at Reiki Divine Therapy Shop – collect at your appointment or order online today.

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Chakra Crystal set, This set Includes carefully selected tumble stones of Snow Quartz, Amethyst, Sodalite, Aventurine, Yellow jasper, Red jasper and Hematite for each chakra.

This chakra collection is ideal when looking to work with the chakras so you can buy a set to work with. On occasion I will use crystals in the Reiki treatment sessions for that added boost.

Available at Reiki Divine Therapy Shop – collect at your appointment or order online today.

Chakra Crystal set, This set Includes carefully selected tumble stones of Snow Quartz, Amethyst, Sodalite, Aventurine, Yellow jasper, Red jasper and Hematite for each chakra.

This chakra collection is ideal when looking to work with the chakras so you can buy a set to work with. On occasion I will use crystals in the Reiki treatment sessions for that added boost.

Available at Reiki Divine Therapy Shop – collect at your appointment or order online today.

The chakras are seven major centres within each level of the aura, they are constantly moving, absorbing currents of energy. To discover more about the Chakras, crystals and Reiki, I offer training.


The CROWN Chakra is a good match is the pureness of the white divine, but also connecting to violet rays, this is where the Snow Quartz  is a fantastic crystal during difficult seasons of life, when everything seems dark and grim.  Its energy is uplifting and kind. It can be used to amplify the power and energy of all other crystals. Snow Quartz can also help us to accurately see into the heart of all matters and align ourselves with our Highest Selves and the Highest Good. It can be used to communicate with Angels and Spirit Guides, quiet the mind during meditation, and amplify our own psychic abilities.


The THIRD EYE Chakra has the frequency of indigo energy a great purifier, and calms and soothes the mind. This is paired with the Amethyst known for being an all-purpose stone with protective qualities, to promote health, good sleep, reduces pain and headache, by relieving stress and anxiety. Great for spiritual guidance and meditation, opening the crown and third eye chakra. The third eye links us to our higher self, can broaden the mind, and free our inhibitions.


The THROAT Chakra energy associated with the frequency of the colour blue, affects our ability to express ourselves vocally. This means it helps us communicate our inner feelings and needs to others. Paired with Sodalite A dark blue mineral great for boosting self-esteem and trust, developing the third eye and throat chakras promoting problem solving, honesty, solidarity and companionship.


The HEART Chakra is linked to our true soul emotions, and our ability to give and receive unconditional love. Its associated colour is green. Paired with Aventurine a dynamic crystal for attracting prosperity, diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership, promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. When the heart chakra is properly open it brings with it understanding, sympathy and co-operation with others, and with nature.


The SOLAR-PLEXUS Chakra related to the autonomic nervous system, the pancreas, and the liver. It is identified with the colour yellow. Paired with Yellow Jasper When you need to amplify courage, confidence and enthusiasm in life and relationships, a stone of protection it provides inner strength and mental clarity. Yellow Jasper stones are good for protection during spiritual work or physical travel. Yellow Jasper can facilitate positive communication with strangers along the way.


The SACRAL Chakra relates to the spirit of health. Its colour (orange) energises the adrenals and kidneys energising the body physically, nourishing it by absorbing nutrients from food. The sacral chakra corresponds to the spleen. It is from here that our ability to experience joy emanates. The sacral chakra is the centre of the emotional body, and orange can stimulate a loving warm contact with others. This chakra centre governs our sexuality. This energy can be channelled into creative and artistic development. I have paired Red Jasper Earthly in colour a stone good for grounding, stamina, empowerment and protection. Helping you feel grounded through life’s changes and challenges, offering confidence and purpose. Energises to the very soul, bring a feeling of being complete. Red Jasper works so well with the Root Chakra too.


The ROOT Chakra, relates to the life-force energy and is the spirit of life. The colour associated with this chakra is red; this chakra provides us with our physical strength and vitality. Hematite Stimulates focus and concentration, clears your mind to promote positivity. A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite utilises the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system.

Crystal Ball
Pearl Moonstone
Selenite Sphere - Connection
Selenite Polished Charging Bar
Gemstone Planets